Our customer service team is dedicated to any inquiries, complaints and suggestions from customers.
All the feedback will be efficiently handled by our professionals where a special case might be created under your agreement for further investigation or improvement in some cases.
After-Sale Service Hotline: +86-755-27179815 27179816 27179817
After-Sale Service Fax: +86-755-27179811
After-Sale Service E-mail: sales@landsun.cc
Company Web:Http://www.landsun.cc
Company Address: Block 5, Changzhen Industrial Park, Gongming Sub-District, Guang’ming District, Shenzhen
Tel: +86-755-27179816 27179815
+86-755-27179817 27179826
Fax: +86-755-27179811
Company web:Http://www.landsun.cc